YBE’s Ultimate Guide to Elevating Your Brand’s Storytelling

September 6, 2024
brand storytelling

Your Brand's Story

Ever feel stuck trying to craft the perfect brand story? Worry it won’t resonate or capture your essence? You’re not alone. But fear not! In this post, I’m introducing you to our STORY method—a foolproof approach to developing a brand narrative that sticks. Plus, we’ll walk you through the FRAME technique, another fantastic way to structure your story. Ready to dive in?

STORY Method

S Simple: Keep it straightforward and clear. T True: Authenticity is key—make it real. O Original: Stand out by being different. R Relatable: Connect with your audience on a personal level. Y Yours: It should reflect who you are and what you stand for.

Let’s break it down.

Simple Think of Apple’s “Think Different.” It’s direct, memorable, and gets the message across without frills.

True Patagonia’s commitment to the environment isn’t just talk; it’s woven into every aspect of their brand. Authenticity builds trust.

Original Dollar Shave Club didn’t just sell razors; they reinvented the shaving experience with humor and a fresh perspective.

Relatable Nike’s “Just Do It” speaks to everyone’s inner athlete. It’s more than a slogan; it’s a call to action.

Yours Your story should be uniquely yours. Like Disney’s dedication to magic and dreams—it’s what sets them apart.

S.T.O.R.Y(Simple . True. Original. Relatable. Yours)

FRAME Technique

F Focus: Hone in on the core message. R Relevant: Ensure it resonates with your audience. A Actionable: Inspire action—what do you want them to do? M Memorable: Leave a lasting impression. E Emotional: Stir emotions; that’s what sticks.

Now that we’ve covered the STORY method, let’s dive into FRAME to help structure your narrative.

Focus Zoom in on what truly matters. What’s the one thing you want your audience to remember?

Relevant Make sure your message aligns with your audience’s values and needs. It’s about them, not just you.

Actionable Encourage your audience to take a step, whether it’s buying, signing up, or simply sharing.

Memorable Craft a story that sticks. Think of Airbnb’s “Belong Anywhere”—it’s about experiences, not just accommodations.

Emotional Emotions drive decisions. Your story should make your audience feel something, whether it’s excitement, nostalgia, or inspiration.

F.R.A.M.E(Focus . Relevant. Actionable. Memorable. Emotional)

Time to Write Your Story

You now have two powerful tools—the STORY method and FRAME technique—to craft a compelling brand narrative. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Create a simple framework using the STORY method. Write down your core ideas.
  2. Use the FRAME technique to structure your story. Focus on making it relevant and memorable.
  3. Draft your brand story, keeping it authentic and original.
  4. Share your story and gather feedback from those who represent your target audience.

Remember, crafting a great brand story isn’t about perfection. It’s about connection. Start writing, share it, refine it, and watch how it resonates with your audience. Trust your gut—you’ll know when you’ve nailed it. After all, your story is yours to tell. Make it unforgettable.
